Where It Goes....

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Here's the scoop...


Sept. 28, 2004 - Well, it's been a long time coming, but the debut CD is just about written. We hope to get into a studio sometime this winter to get it recorded, instead of recording it in my bedroom studio, which is the version everyone (including myself) is familiar with. We've added a few more originals to the set, including "All This Time" (my favorite) and "Hindsight." (Luke's favorite) There looks to be about 10-11 songs in all, including one tripped-out instrumental. I don't know about availability yet, but once it's on vinyl (plastic) we'll see what happens. If you like the live versions though, the album versions should make you happy. We're very proud of it musically and lyrically. Anyway, come see us sometime, and drop us a line if you're interested in a copy. They should go for between 5 and 10 bucks, depending on studio and duplication expenses. Be sure to vote by the way, I won't tell you how but remember that it counts. Peace.
- Corey

II Far Gone in a Battle of the Bands??

Sept. 15, 2004 - Yes folks, we are trying to get into the battle of the bands at the Cove Nightclub. Apparently it runs from 7-12 on Thursdays out there. Although some of us aren't real big on playing multiband shows, we're gonna try and get it done. Hopefully we can turn some heads. We'll keep you posted.

- Corey


Nobody has more fun than we do...


Unfortunately, I just found out that FBZ is soon going to be gone. Let me be the first to say that this is a very saddening event for me, as well as my friends. They were, by far, the best band around this area. Hopefully all the guys in that band will catch on somewhere and keep rocking. If you didn't see them, you missed something special.

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!